Planning your Investments in Plantations ...

To aid plantation companies in planning the planting of new areas, ARABIS offers the following studies:

• Agri Due Diligence of Greenfield and Brownfield lands and plantations
• Preparation of an Agricultural / Forestry Development Plans
• Soil Survey, Planting Surveys, Crop-Land Allocation and Feasibility Studies
• Project Financial & Economic Viability Analyses

Optimizing your Plantations’ Operations...

To aid plantation companies in achieving greater profitability from the existing plant-ings and agro based concerns, ARABIS offers the following services:

• Business Analysis of Plantation Operations
• Plantation Agronomy & Field Management Advisory Services
• Fertilizer Use Optimization - Soil & Plant Tissue Nutrient Survey & Fertilizer Use Recommendations
• Optimization in use of other inputs (labour, management etc).
• Other Agronomic Services ...
- Advice on Cultural Practices and Field Maintenance and Management
- Advice on Pest & Disease Control Methods
- Advice on Rubber Exploitation Systems including Tapping / Stimulation
• Hypodermic Latex Extraction (HLE)
A new patented technique for the extraction of latex from rubber trees, known as HLE was commercially implemented in 1990.
HLE is a new and “physiologically efficient” method by which latex is ex-tracted from rubber trees and has many benefits vis-à-vis conventional tapping systems.
• Plantation Management Services (Inspection & Advisory)
Field Upkeep
Labor Efficiency
Transportation Logistics
Road Maintenance
Monitoring & Evaluation Systems

• Crop Processing Facility Management Services (Inspection & Advisory)

• Capacity & Performance Evaluation
• Factory Layout & Design, Machinery Selection,
• Process Engineering
• Agro Management Services of Plantations & Factory / Mills
• Engineering Services
• Civil Engineering - including specifications and costings for roads, water and power supply, houses, factories (mainly for processing agricultural products) etc.
• Town & Country Planning - including infrastructure planning, determination and layout of towns, villages, hospitals, schools etc.
• Agricultural Engineering - including requirements of agricultural machinery, irrigation, processing facilities etc.
• Marketing of Agricultural Commodities
• Environmental & Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Studies
 Environmental Planning
• Environmental Planning, Management & Monitoring
• Compliance with Environmental Legislation
• Environmental Impact Assessment

ARABIS Agri ▪ Research ▪ Advisory ▪ Biotech Services 
Planters Grounds,3½ mile Kajang-Serdang Rd.Kajang,Selangor 43000,Malaysia
Tel : +60 3 8736-8490          Fax : +60 3 8736-8491
© 2018 ARABIS. All rights reserved